Here comes another longggg weekend- this time its the "Columbus Day". Its been almost two years since I am living in states and for me long weekends have always been very exhaustive , either I am running around catching flights and then sight seeing else be at home planing parties and cooking the whole day for everyone. But this time I just want to sit at home and relax.. enjoy the beautiful fall weather, read a novel (will be starting the kite runner tonite) with a warm ginger tea cup and maybe a movie after that. Yes this remains my ideal holiday plan as usual. And moreover imagine getting up daily in the morning at my leisure and no office..yippee. But this time I did made a long to do list...which is so big that I dont want to look at it now :)
Its real easy to make this comfortable plan but the people around you won't let you reach there like a cake walk. Everyone has to ask about each others plans and showoff . As if, its a competition my destination is better than yours !! During lunch today, it seemed everyone had a single question on their faces - what plans for the weekend?? not going anywhere? so sad..poor u, join us, we are going to the mountains, booked a cabin and then you have to listen to their excellent planning and all the fun which they think they might have. Its not that I dont like visting new places or if i am a loner but I admit I am lazy bones and just cant go anywhere just for the sake of going. I enjoy with my kind of people and once in a while do like to break the routine. People will sympathize as if hell broke down on me and with a fake smile I need to respond and give some excuses while the other notorious half of me has switched to thinking which movie shall I watch or i'll order pizza for dinner ;)
Sometimes i do give in to these people, but this time I am going to stick to my current plan, come what may !! , though I have to bear the consequences as the same story will be repeated once they all are back on Monday :(
'Whts ur plan for the weekend?' is a big question in any meeting, it just comes to you on a round table, mostly at the begining of the meeting. I always cook up some thing, but mostly, will end up as a couch potato at home ...and yes holiday means day without a plan ..to sleep until u r so hungry that u have to get up to eat....to watch TV until to fall asleep ...mainly no 'Non Sense' to bother u around :D
So how did it go ???
It went exactly as per my plan !!
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